Life Changes - J. Immanuel

According to popular opinion, I should be married, have children, be a homeowner and climbing the corporate ladder as a man in my 30s.

In reality:

I’m single

I have no children

I still rent

And I chucked the deuce to the corporate life almost a decade ago

Does this make me a failure?

Hell naw!

Does it mean my life is perfect and has gone according to my earlier plans?

Not at all.

I’ve encountered plenty of dead ends, detours and pitstops along my journey.

But despite them all I’ve kept on living and moving forward.

My life doesn’t look the way society says it should.

And even though plenty of people I grew up with have checked all the societal boxes long before me…

I can’t let that deter me.

I wholeheartedly believe that at the right time I will be married, have children, and own a home.

You can keep the corporate life…unless they’re hiring me as a consultant, cutting a BIG check and I’m still my own boss!

There are always going to be pressures and opinions about what we could or should have or be doing.

But at the end of the day it’s our life.

Society and other people’s opinions don’t dictate how we live.

And our age doesn’t determine what we should have or where we should be along our journey.

Whether you embrace your age and the reality of your current season in life or not.

One thing remains certain…they’re both going to change.

 You’ll get older…Lordwilling (or God forbid if you’re not a fan of getting older)

And the seasons of your life will change.

What matters most is how you choose to live your life.

You’re the only one who can walk in your shoes and your journey in life is uniquely yours.

Embrace it and live your life to the fullest!