Integration of Strengths

Nerds and Free Spirits Unite 

The Future & I have been receiving premarital counseling. Our most recent session focused on budgeting and money. I consider myself a nerd when it comes to money. I'm constantly sourcing ways to stay engaged and in the flow of information; reading financial blog(s), using spreadsheets, online tools and mobile applications to categorize/ track our spending. The Future on the other hand, well there is only one other option from the header.  I Am not always the saver and The Future is not necessarily always the spender and while we've never had any major issue(s) with money, we do need to have a singular vision.


Relating With Money

"Your behavior is the key to taking control of your money, and your money is tied to your relationships." 

This observation would have stayed in my journal however last week I had pragmatic discussions with girls that are friends in different stages of "relating." One married, one single and one engaged. Issue(s) with money was the conversation starter for all three. 

One of the take-aways from our counseling session(s) was to create a value system for the flow of money in our home. Saving is about emotion and contentment and without a value system living souls can feel controlled, not cared for and appear irresponsible.

Integrate your strengths; the one with the gift can prepare a budget however financial decisions must be made by both. 

I remain.