October Observation #3

Audi 5000

I’ve shared with y’all that I intend on buying a new (to me) / used car after we close on our new home. The avarice of my eye is a 2014 Audi A5. I haven’t had a car payment in a long time and I’ve done a beautiful mind calculation on how much car I could afford over the shortest loan period possible.

My expectation is to keep my cost to maintain low; 4 cylinders will keep the gas honest, driving no more than 7k miles per year — Express bus route is 1 mile away from the new house. I will continue to use public transportation to/from work.

In general conversation me needing (vs wanting) a car comes up and there are two general responses;

“All cars do the same thing, get you from point A to point B, you don’t need an expensive car.”

“You spend a lot of time in your car commuting, it should be something you love.”

I’m hopeful to find a happy median.

Either way the plan is to drive it til’ the wheels fall off.

We jazz like dat
We freak like dat
We zoom like dat
We out, we out

I’m Audi 5000 G’